Matthew Mews crawled out of his car and headed in to work; the crisp, autumn air served to boost Matt's mood. As Matt stepped across the threshold, the store's sliding doors opened to reveal a garishly-lit store. The sense of abandonment leaked from the lobby as Greeter Marcus nodded to Matt; smiling in response, Matt went to buy his mid-work snack. Fixings for sandwiches were purchased and left in the break-room fridge and Matt proceeded to check-in; the standard notice about break-times and a few comments about station cleaning perused, Matt headed outside. Midnight cart-pushing was a kind of art; at first, the near-abandonment of the parking lot gave Matt ridiculously-long periods of time in which to aggregate the shopping carts. Pushing them as singletons, in groups of ten, and variations in-between, were quickly abandoned to two-fisted swings, and a small host of more complicated cart-pushing techniques. Matt worked his art alone, building small state-machines with ...