
Showing posts from January, 2016

quacks are not my type

So I have a personal site ( ) which I cannot access at work because it is uncategorized.  I did a little digging and I believe it is because a site's category is automatically calculated based upon the content of that site. My site is a mish-mash of links, references, and other things. The links aren't broken - but the content is fractured. So my idea is to re-factor the home page to be ... well, categorized. My site's home page will be about duck typing. This is intentionally a pun on the coding concept of duck typing - but the content will not mirror the reality. Instead I will make a site dedicated to offering some sort of combination of ducks, typing devices, and the like. Likely little outfits for pet ducks. And maybe mouse-pads for ducks. And keyboards designed around webbed hands. Anyway, I put this here as a reminder of my goal. So - unit test 1: I'll be able to access the site at work and it render (right now, as mentioned above, I&#


So I'm posting things I hope to eventually own - as well as why. As I'm not normally interested in material rewards, this seemed useful. Also, it will help remind me why I'm doing some of the things I'll be doing. 1. Macbook ($1000 +/- whatever)     Building mobile apps     Especially as it is excessively non-trivial to mock up an Apple dev env 2. James Patterson's Master Course ($90)     Guidance on better writing     I already have several other resources that are likely similar.     Note: this is a reward for having made enough sales as a Kindle author 3. 3D Printer     There never seems to be enough time to use this.     Being able to print companion pieces to our LEGOs would be awesome

2016 Resolution Details

So I have a few resolutions this year. I'd rename them but I don't have a problem with calling them that. The challenge, then, is in the execution. My three goals this year are: 1. More Godly life increased intentional sweetness to family more Bible stuff (reading, sharing, praying over, etc) intentionally setting aside time to pray / be with Christ 2.  Health intentionally exercise with some frequency (X-fit, Krav Maga, others) better nutrition more sleep 3. Author Do at least two more full edits on Alabaster (1st novel) Walk (pitch -> end) work on a book Complete a few of the e-courses I've already got on this stuff Read a few of the books I have on writing / publishing / etc Research whether my existing wrimomeme writing has an audience In particular, I intend to regularly work on 3.b - and will use this blog to document it. In fact ... if I remember to do so, I'll update this post with references to other posts which document progress