
Showing posts from July, 2017


So, let's start with something "simple". I believe in the Bible. I believe the original documents are the inspired word of God and that every translation gets some things wrong (because all translation loses and gains something in the transition - and don't get me started on the versions that intentionally omit certain things). That being said, I have had an inconsistently successful time seeing how it applies to everyday life. Sometimes I do think it's literal, sometimes it's a metaphor, and sometimes I think it will only be clear after I have a better/more mature walk with God.  But that's generally giving the Bible credit.  Like I said, I believe the Bible is true. I also, in my wanderings, tried to study Greek; the idea was simple - learn the language in which the New Testament was written. I was passionate about it - especially when I learned that the particular dialect of Greek we were studying was basically unchanged from the time of its wri