Nanowrimo 2020
[01 - intro + meet main (1257)] It was a dark and stormy night. The wind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20201102-01-0254/+4 Marcus sat in his warm chair and held the thick, closed portfolio. Hearing the breeze ease through the trees made him turn. Barely visible in the moonlight, the sounds of swaying branches reminded him of beaches of crushed shells with only the tide to keep him company. The smell of leather drew him back. * I've checked this a dozen times. He has the spark. He just doesn't see it. * Opening the portfolio, Marcus reviewed the dossier. Upon the desk a holographic man stood, rotating slowly. Dressed in a loose t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, the figure repeated the same set of brisk motions: a burpee, a pull-up, a round-house kick, and a box-jump. Swiping in mid-air, the holographic man became a baker; the figure began making an endless collection of pancakes. Cont...