Paleolithic Lawyer (567)

Jeremy, son of the lion and the morsel known as the better half of Emerald Waters, dove deep into the dark mossy river. Ice cold waves of silt washed over his arms, torso, legs, and he swam deep, focused on one thing, and one thing alone.

"I know it's here. All the research points to it! Those old tomes all corroborate the maps. If I can just hold on ..."

Past weeds and plants for which he had no name, Jeremy swam. His strong, burly arms gave him swift passage through the muck, and as he lightly touched the bottom of the deep, something arrested his attention. Some small itching on his left shoulder. Twisting his head slightly, with his arms bold holding onto a slimy rock, Jeremy noticed a thin, reedy finger touch his Neoprene diving suit. Turning toward the digit, Jeremy held the finger - palm - wrist - arm - shoulder in view, as his gaze rose slightly.

"Jeremy, wake up!"

Jeremy shook his head. He'd been studying some meaningless case ... something about habeas rictis norolectum. He could swear they were making up Latin terms as the days went on.

"Sorry Angie! These cases are kinda swimming together in my head," apologized Jeremy as he wiped the sleep from his eyes. "Perhaps if I could be studying patent law instead of these avant-garde cases where precedent will never be set I might stay a little more focused."

"Don't you mean awake? You have been pushing yourself for months and so it's no wonder the cases are all getting mixed up," sympathized Angie, as she opened up her organizer. "I just got here so you have no excuses for quitting now!"

As Angela slowly spread out her books, notepads, and other paraphernalia, Jeremy stood up.

"I need to get some water - I'm still a little woozy from that last dream ... it was so real!"

"No problem, Jeremy. It's not everyone who gives up medicine to study law."

“Yeah right – but then, who ever heard of a doctor giving up medicine because he’s afraid of water?”

Smiling in response, Angie drew open her top book and began taking furious notes. Jeremy was almost across the room when he heard a loud rushing.

“My son! Have you lost your mind? You might have died!”

Jeremy shook his head. He lay prone on a large, flat rock. The overcast sky buzzed overhead and Mahadi, the Elder, kneeled on Jeremy’s right.

“I’m sorry, Master Mahadi,” replied Jeremy, as he tried to get his bearings. “I have had another one of those persistent visions. They seem to be getting stronger. I do not know if the herbs you gave me to make tea have had the effect you intended.”

Smiling broadly, Elder Mahadi offered his staff to Jeremy.

“It is well, Jeremy. Their import shall be revealed in proper time. We have other priorities this evening. Tonight, we celebrate your nuptials. Your research has lead you to the perfect engagement gift. You have retrieved it as a whole man. And Marynth has show great patience in not approaching you during this critical period. The courtship has gone smoothly. Let us all celebrate – for tomorrow, you will marry!”

As they walked slowly through the brush, the afternoon sky filled Jeremy’s heart with a range of possibilities.

“Who am I,” Jeremy wondered as he walked. “Where do I belong?”


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