Thoughts while installing Office 2007

Darkly, darkly she kicked the sand. Ice cold weather beat down upon her shoulders as the night sky rang loudly; footprints solemn and alone littered the landscape behind her. Looking slowly, she trod as lightly as the sand allowed, dragging slightly as the surf forgivingly removed traces of her presence.

She found the artifact near the third dune. Covered in only a thin layer of sand, she had spotted it atop the second dune. It shown eerily in the moonlight but just enough to stand as an inverted lighthouse in an abandoned sea. Jumping lightly down the second dune, she approached cautiously - the repetitive washing of the sea was as a timepiece, ticking waves of clapping from an unseen audience, and drew her attention to the first time she'd heard mention of the device.

Finally standing three feet from the artifact, she noticed a small hum seemingly without source; she recognized immediately that the object, unknown to her save for its location, seemed to be responding to something in the vicinity. Cautiously supposing it to be responding to her, she walked closer - the humming increased. Cocking her head to one-side, she noticed the humming had continued, getting louder; it had stopped suddenly the moment she touched it.

Slightly warm to the touch, with sand falling gently about the miniature obsidian house, she picked up the artifact delicately and prayed over it. Words of assurance, protection, and guidance fell from her lips as she sought God's will on how to respond to the object, that she be protected from any unseen or unobserved result of her interaction with the object, and that He would reveal His will concerning her next few steps. A few more words of prayer followed to steel herself to hearken to whatever God had for her as she opened up her satchel. Half-lit contents revealed a small plastic bag. Unzipping the fastener, she placed the artifact within, resealed the bag, and placed it in the separate external pocket. Then she took off her gloves and tossed them into the water. A small sizzle accompanied their interaction with the water.


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