hope letter 01 - paternal grandparents

Day 1 complete.

Below is the letter I sent to my paternal grandparents:
    Hello! I don't know if I have ever written you in long-hand - I do hope this letter finds you well!

    I just wanted to say "I love you" and that I was thinking of you. Ialso wanted to sharea bout your great-grandchildren.!

    Manual is getting so big! He's 8 and loves puzzles, LEGOs, mazes, and is growing into a responsible, Godly young man.

    Edward is also growing up so fast! he's 6 and is into coloring books, LEGOs, and Manny. They're best friends - though they sometimes fight a bit.

    Amanda has always been big for her age. She's only 3½ and almost keeps up with her brothers! She can't yet run, so they do tend to pull ahead.

    Tanya stays busy - this morning she volunteered at a a local race (a 5 kilometer, I believe) and this afternoon she is attending a baby shower and visiting relatives.

    I'm keeping busy myself; I am looking at different companies than my current employers and have been on several interviews. The first was ethically not acceptable and the second may actually bear fruit.

    As a family, we have a regular church and do try to attend - though it is a challenge with three young children. I cannot imagine how you did it with 6!

Well, please do take care!

    Also, I have three questions for you:

    1 - What is your favorite memory?

    2 - What do you miss most from your youth?

    3 - What is one thing you would ask of your parents if they were still living?

    With Love,

Jason, Tanya, Manual, Edward, & Amanda


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