
Showing posts from December, 2015

Book Ideas VI

36|Anti-Porn - an autobiography on my own experiences                          however, without names, etc                        A. My own observations and conclusions                        B. Ways in which, to my mind, it negatively impacts                        C. Lies which we buy as a result                        Note: i doubt there is a market                            But for myself, I may simply need to w...

Book Ideas V

31|"From nothing" - identify a topic on which you cannot speak - know nothing                                  read up on on and write down points of confusion/questions                                  do so until you find a question that isn't answered                                  interview SMEs on the topic / write book about it 32|pseudomedia       create a new form of artistic expression               ...

Book Ideas IV

26|Comedy as a drug - comedians are drug dealers                                       all successful comedians have had surgery or trials                                       the trials rewrite mental pathways                                           without live stand-up it rewrites                       ...

Book Ideas III

21|Do hard work - Smart people who have no drive/success are told:                                "Oh, you just don't know how to work hard"                                This really means "you quit when things fail or are hard"                                However, sometimes prudence warrants quitting.                                So write a book providing examples of how to detect each ...

Book Ideas II

13|Stereotypes - what if all stereotypes were true                       they're "hackable" categorization that anyone can play                       professional stereotypers are most influential (they know rituals) 14|Waiting - what if our internal dialog while we're waiting matters                     what if we can intentionally define who we are                        by changing/controlling what we think about                        while we're in between tas...

Book ideas

Literally - a book about ideas   You want to know where to get ideas?    Here are X ideas and how to get more   Writing is not really about the idea      It is about technical mastery, passion, and story      The idea is "just" the vehicle Music - pick an album    Each track is a chapter        Literally the chapters soundtrack   The thrust of the song is that chapters heart Names - how we are all trying to finish what Adam started Hope - is it evidence of the possible              or the evidence of addiction                   to controlling the descent                   of our shared plane crash Choice - you are what you focus on or think about A child's guide to success   Take [xxx] and retell as stories for a youth   What should success mean fo...