married knight

So I'm a knight.

This is true - simply because I am the hero of my own story and I wanna be.

My maiden has already been "saved" - I married her, as it were.

So what is a knight to do when the traditional quest has been resolved?

Well - what do you do when you beat a game you love?

You can either go elsewhere (new game? new wife? not a great direction...)

Or, if its an AWESOME GAME, you play it again.

So that's what I'm doing.

My quest is simple (and there is documentation for success criteria here)

But the simple overview is:

I am a knight. I will win the maiden.
It is NOT a foregone conclusion - because growth/change is needed.

Are you a knight?

Or, if you're a maiden/wife:

Married/passive: Are you still worth being rescued?  Have you kept your promises to yourself and God ever since you found your dowry-keeper?  Are you being who you intended to be when you first, with starry eyes, committed to your companion?

Married/active: Are you actively pursuing the role of a Psalms 31 woman?  Can you still discern His guidance and can provide leadership or counsel or be a strong shoulder upon which your spouse can rely?

My point here is not to point fingers - but to recognize life can drain you, the Enemy can take your joy - that we are all in battle.

So I encourage you - if you're of the mind that the battle is worth fighting - to pick up your guidon!

Updates to my quest status will be found, as mentioned, here.



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