The first bag
Target Audience: 6/8 y.o. boys Bob stepped off the train. The smell of travel and fall filled the air as he carried the two bags to the station. As he neared the closest swinging door, a woman with kind eyes held the door open. “Thanks,” said Bob gratefully, as he smiled and quickly passed the doors. “No problem,” said the woman and she smiled. Dropping off one bag at a nearby bench, Bob lugged the other bag to the nearby window. A tall man with fast hands asked, “Hello, how may I help you?” His hands continued sorting and stamping paperwork. “How much to send mail this bag to the closest ocean?” asked Bob. “Um, we don’t ship to the ocean, “replied the tall man; the various papers on the tall man’s desk were quickly arranged into neat piles. “Well … what routes do you have available that cross the ocean,” asked Bob. The tall man stopped touching his desk. “Um, I’m afraid you may not understand what we do here,” said the tall man “... ...