Gratitude - 02 Dec 2016

Gratitudinality continues!

Minimum Rules:
1. Every day, post three things for which I am thankful.  Descriptions/details are appreciated but optional.
2. In each post, include these rules.
3. Expect the day to be different; look for the difference.

I encourage you, dear reader, to participate ... at least in declaring your own gratitudes.  Not so much the posting but the intentionally mindful thankfulness.

I am thankful for a real, loving God who has designed my interface to be compatible with what he provides the world. He did such an amazing job that I perpetually take him for granted. So this is a shout-out to Christ fir being far more than I deserve or can even appreciate!

I am thankful for my wife - a woman who does not always understand me but always loves me, may not always like me but always tries to be kind to me, and who I also take for granted. She deserves far more than I ... though God put us together for *some* reason.

I am thankful for my senses. They help me appreciate the wondrous world around me.



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