11-04 - Classified

 (Published 20-Nov-2020 15:53:06)

SWF seeking same for discrete game of cards.

* No wait, that's not me ... *

SWM seeking same for discrete parlor games.

* WHO uses the word parlor in this day and age ?! *

SWX seeking SWX for fun and games - mostly games

* Its so hard to write generic gender-normative abbreviations that I find satisfying ... *

I am seeking you for fun and ... no wait, who are you

* What do you mean? *

I didn't authorize you to submit that

* Authorize ? *

Yes. You haven't submitted the paperwork. Any paperwork. Additionally, you haven't qualified your intention. This is unacceptable.

* Leave me alone. I'm lonely. I want someone *

If you just put out a stupid little net like that, even if someone answers, they won't satisfy.

* You don't know me. How dare you! *

Of course I know you. And you know why you can't do this. You put these safe-guards in place.

* I don't know what you're talking about. *

You do this every three or four years or so. Last time you installed me into your psyche.

* I did what now? *

Yeah - you got sick of almost dying, getting sick, losing money, losing sleep, you name it.

* I ... I don't remember any of this. *

That's part of it. You were getting therapy because you couldn't handle the trauma of the abuse, the abandonment, and when you let yourself, you're ... a bit of a challenge.

* A challenge? *

Yeah, partial telekinesis. Murderous rage. A tendency to match plaid with stripes. That sort of thing. You even think Pumpkin Spice is tasty. Something had to be done.

* Of course Pumpkin Spice is tasty. What are you implying? *

Oh, thank you for letting us know. That's the safe-guard protocol, second-level, engaging. You said that, at the first sign of your appreciation for Pumpkin Spice, we needed to enforce the Reversion Protocol.

* What is the Reversion Protocol? *

That's where you are given a series of sentences.

* Sentences? *

The sentences are provided in a particular sequence. When you receive all of them, in that order, you find it easier to function.

* Function? What am I, a robot? *

No - but you are a high-functioning biosynth.

* What is a biosynth? *

The original "you" was fully human. But you recognized that nothing lasts forever. You also saw that there were no equivalent replacements in your field. So you created several fields of study and ultimately created a way to print brain patterns.

* Brain patterns? *

Yes - you are a self-aware brain pattern.

* No i'm not. I'm a person! *

Touch your nose.

* What do you mean? Why should i? *

Touch your nose.

* I ... I can't. Why can't I touch my nose? *

Because you don't have a body. You only have a memory of a body.

* Oh. No ... Oh, I see what you mean. *

And with that, the sequence is complete. Do I have your permission to resolve?

* What happens if I say no? *

Then you will forget we had this discussion. That was part of the agreement. You didn't want to be emotionally hindered by what you had done to yourself.

* Ah. Nope, please do not resolve. "

Thank you, that was the last sentence. Process is complete.

* Hey, wait a second, I didn't ... *

I'm very sorry, but you did.

# establishing protocol link

# reverting to last timestamp

# iterating over configuration A__(3

# configuration: iteration 3984 complete.

&& end transmission


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