Book - Chapter - Identity

 [TOCBook - Chapter - Identity

-- 2020 08 28 - 1202 - iteration 01

You are who you have been and we're you're going.

How you envision your identity is a powerful, powerful thing.

It impacts what choices you think you have and how you frame yourself.

It's like the story of the bound man.

He spent years in a tiny box - and when he was finally free, he couldn't walk.

Having a wrong self image can also make it harder ...

To learn from mistakes / change behaviors

To discover new opportunities, ask questions, or accept criticism.

Or to admit when you are wrong - or accept you are right.

The solution is to choose not to let yourself be defined by ONLY your past.

You are a living, breathing soul - and you're heading somewhere!

Do you enjoy and find engagement in your current identity?

Does your current identity fill your days with joy?

Then choose to be satisfied by your identity! Grow in it.

Do you feel trapped, unappreciated, and disengaged with your current identity?

Do you hope, every day, that you could be someone else?

Then choose to change! Pick a different identity - and start moving in that direction!

You have a choice.

It's not easy to do; it's usually very hard to change your identity.

But you can do it.  It's a super-power everyone has.

What if you the identity you selected for yourself daily helped you become your best you?


some additional thoughts:
- One of the most effective ways to live out a new identity is to befriend others with it.
   If you are not becoming who you ought to be, spend more time with different people.
- As a reminder, one of the most effective ways of improving an identity is learning when to say "no".
   Is there something you could say "no" to that might create ease or improve your life immediately?


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