Book - Chapter - Managing Managers

[TOCBook - Chapter - Managing Managers

-- 2020 06 04 - 0243 - iteration 01

When you work for someone, you will always have a manager.

One of the secrets of work satisfaction is this:
A relationship with a manager is supposed to be a two-way street.

That is:
The feedback you provide to a good manager can help the manager grow into a great manager.

It can even help a mediocre manager become better.

Every person starts SOMEWHERE - and most managers are not well trained.

Sometimes it's because people get leadership and management confused.
Sometimes it's because they're about the position's politics or power.
And sometimes it's just because they lack experience.

Regardless, a manager is a person.

They're approachable, they have certain assumptions about how people work.

The more clearly you communicate to those assumptions:
The more clearly the both of you can work together as a team.

What if you saw your manager as your facilitator instead of your boss? or your enemy?


some additional thoughts:
- A DR (direct report) does not lack influence
- Introduction to expectations
- Business Cases
- Training your boss to treat you with respect
- Setting Boundaries
- Establishing a Goal for your boss


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