Book - Chapter - Placebo

[TOCBook - Chapter - Placebo

-- 2020 06 09 - 0902 - iteration 01

A pill is a tiny medical promise in a digestible form.

Sometimes a pill doesn't have an active ingredient.

And yet it still appears to work - that's the placebo effect.

It's a reminder that our perception of reality can literally change it.

Additionally: a placebo can work, even if you're told it's a placebo.

How much of the effectiveness of medicine is tied to our faith in it?

A non-medical example of a placebo is confidence built from hope.

There are many fields wherein people feel they don't below, that they are an impostor.

And they "fake it until they make it" by acting as if they deserve to be where they are.

However, frequently they're not the only one.

And so you have mutually-deceived people reinforcing one another, building-up one another.

What if placebo was another word for being mindful of where you put your faith?


some additional thoughts:
> Helpful lies are potent
> Just because you don't believe doesn't make it false
> In what/who do you place your trust?


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