Book - Introduction - Corpus
[ TOC ] Book - Introduction I keep wanting to write a book. Sometimes it's a book of poetry, sometimes it's stories, sometimes it's essays, and sometimes it's doodles. But I quit. Lots of little reasons - chores, boredom, irritation, distraction. The reality is, like anything else, the writing isn't the hard thing. It's the expression of the hard thing. It's an indicator of disarray - but it isn't something to put stock into. Because books matter. And ideas are valuable. Perhaps a mis-quote to put things into perspective: "Success isn't doing the one thing right; it's learning to not do the many wrong things often enough that something sticks" ~ Some random person. Here in the middle, my attribution: I give credit to God for getting me this far. I have lived in a God-bubble my entire life; this doesn't mean my life is perfect - rather, that I am far more blessed than I have any right to be...